Birthday party

Someone here in our house turns 6 this month. We celebrate it with a birthday party before the holidays as her birthday is on New Year's Eve. I invited only girls that we know in her primary class and kindergarten class. She wanted it Hello Kitty. The first thing the girls did was decorate headbands that have a bow on it. You know kind of like Hello Kitty.
I bought dollar store headbeads: hot glued a bow on. Girls decorated them with rhinestones, foamie stickers. They were gorgeous.
Girls devoured strawberry cupcakes. They put their own sprinkles on.
The girls made beaded necklaces and they created their names using shrinky dink paper.
This is before I baked the paper. They shrink more than half. I think I might do this at school and have the students make ornaments.

This was a girl's masterpiece. Cute! Husband was helping daughter with her necklace.
Opening her presents.

Her loot! She was so happy to get presents from her little friends. They had such a good time. What is horrible is that I can't remember who gave what! Thanks everyone! I hope all these girls stay friends. I am thinking we should do play dates in the summer. Now back to the party....with ten minutes left...I let them run around.


Missy said…
My little "kittie" wore her headband to church today.

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