Christmas Day

After Santa's visit....

Husband checking out all the candy in his stocking and the dog eyeballing it too. She stole a bag of mm's later.

I made hats for them too. They are opening them. Sorry for the dog's bum shot. I could not help but notice..Hee hee
Monkey hat for the monkey..
 Awesome presents from Grandma and Grandpa..Thank you the kids really like them.....See my awesome hats...the kids wore them all day long.
This gift...DO NOT buy. It is crap. I bought the hair wig from the movie Tangled. It sheds so much hair all over and it tangles easy..It is a pain. She loves it though..See later for picture of her wearing it.  

Easy bake oven..Did you know that you have to buy the freakin lightbulb. Ya, I didn't do that so we have to wait until Monday to find a 100 watt standard not soft light bulb.

The aftermath...Sorry another dog bum shot. That is his dog not mine. Mine is behaving and sitting right next to me...All in all, the kids really liked everything.

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