Christmas in Utah

On Saturday, we travelled to Ogden for a Christmas dinner and gifts at husband's aunt's house. We normally don't travel in the winter after being caught in a crazy storm in Blackfoot when we first moved here. I vowed to never travel again during the winter. So here comes the weekend and of course storms. We braved ( I drove cuz I can't stand my husband's driving). The trip down was scary and there were 5 slip offs from Blackfoot to Pocatello. What was crazy was that it was not that bad so we drove easy and made it safely with two potty breaks for sister.
We were trapped in a living room going crazy so we went outside for a snowball fight. I later went in because I was cold. Husband stayed out and got the nieces and nephews real good.
Later that evening after a yummy turkey dinner, we opened presents. Sister got a pillow pet that she has been asking for like forever. I had even bought them for them for Christmas. I took them back last night.

Brother got a nerf gun. However, Grandma already got him one and it is under the tree so we took it and exchanged it for a much wanted pillow pet. He exchanged it for a dog. I hate exchanging presents because I always worry about what the other person might think but I think it was good for him.
We had a real nice time.  Then after presents and dinner, we headed to Willard Bay to do a wagon horse ride. However after waiting a long time, we ditched that idea and then just drove through the park. The kids did visit with Santa. Here are some pics from last year when we went.

I wished we had some time where we (adults) could chit chat late. That is the problem with my in law late night chit chats or games. They don't know me very well even after 14 years in the family. It still is very awkward for me. I think one of my goals for 2011 will be to have a stronger relationship with them. I started it last night and I actually called my mom in law and talked with her for 15 minutes. It was nice and I wished that she could see me the real me, not the tired of my kids me when they are trapped in living room and misbehaving all day me.
The trip home was great by the way until we hit Blackfoot. It was all foggy with some rain but no snow. Yay! Thank goodness there was no snow on the road this time around. Then we hit our turn off to go home..Snow. Anyways, time to start our Christmas vacation with my kids. Hopefully it will be restful one.


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