Hat presents

I was worried about what to get my niece and nephews this weekend as we rarely see them and we don't really know them. My friend made hats like this for each of her students in her class and then sewed with her fancy sewing machine their names on each one. I don't have a fancy sewing machine for names. These hats were perfect for my neice and nephews and they are so easy to make. I am making my son one that is flaming orange with guitars. Daughter is getting a monkey one. A yard of fleece makes about three hats that are double lined. I have no idea how to explain to make these but if you want me to show you that is fine.

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Ginger said…
I want to see them modeled! Will you take a pic of one of your kids wearing one and post it?

I love what you are going to do Christmas Eve by the way. It sounds like a nice way to spend it.
Love ya! And Merry Christmas!

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