Neighborhood treats

I did not make my usual cookie treat plates. I was sort of bah humbug in that respect. I do not know if I will do it next year as well. Then there are soo many awesome people in this ward but I can't give to all. Plus I kind of liked the extra time with the kids instead of baking. Next year, I think I will make quick breads in advance and put them in the freezer. I did however make Raspberry Crumb Muffins. Then I remembered last year I made little loaves of bread with that mix from scratch. I think I might have recipe posted on here somewhere. The next thing I made for the family that my husband home teaches and one gal that I awesomely visit teach who has turned out to be such a good friend a yummy dessert. (huge run-on..hope it made sense) Behold...Meet the most Buttery Cinnabun Cake....It is very fattening but oh so yummy! Here is the recipe from the picky palate. It does make a 9 x 13 cake but I put them in a bread loaf pan.

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