Happy Birthday Sister Lou!

Someone here finally turned 6! We had her birthday party before all the Christmas hoopla. This was nice...just family. The cake is a white cake with strawberry jello then topped with whipped cream. Then for dinner we had pizza. Sister Lou's birthday is on New Year's Eve.

 So get ready for this...we told Little Man and Sister Lou that they can stay up to midnight to ring in the New Year. They actually made it! I started to poop out around 10 but I made it.
Opening gifts from family...

Thanks for all the gifts, Grandma!. You rock!

Her birthday barbie. Okay, I am going to let you in on a little secret but you can't tell anybody. I caught my son playing Barbies with Sister Lou today and yesterday. We have a boy Barbie. But my son informed me that it is not a boy Barbie but a Prince. Sorry no pictures of that!

Last week, daughter and I went for some quality girl time at the mall to return some Christmas presents. I told her she had some birthday money to spend. This dress is what she picked out. I figured some toys..but no...and she wore this dress today to church and she looked like a princess.

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