Resolution Time...a family goal
Finally, a chance to sit down and reflect on my past week and boy was it a doozy. One thing that I have failed at this week is getting us all together to read our scriptures together as a family and get family home evening done as well. Two weekends ago, I bought this FHE board at Deseret Book for 12 bucks. It looked cute and it is exactly what we needed to help plan our evening. It will work awesome when the kids alittle bit older and can read. I know already that I can't committ to a regularly scheduled FHE every single week. I am glad for those that do. Yay you!
So here it resolution #1: FHE I am going to shoot for weekly but I already failed last week so I will be happy if I have it a couple times a month. I understand the concept of it. I spend a lot of time with my children and we talk about a lot of things and how to approach any problems or difficulties in the life of a 6 and 7 year old. That I wouldn't take away or wait until a Monday night to tackle any problems.
Do I have any other goals? I sure do.

So here it resolution #1: FHE I am going to shoot for weekly but I already failed last week so I will be happy if I have it a couple times a month. I understand the concept of it. I spend a lot of time with my children and we talk about a lot of things and how to approach any problems or difficulties in the life of a 6 and 7 year old. That I wouldn't take away or wait until a Monday night to tackle any problems.
Do I have any other goals? I sure do.