My children

When being in a family-focused religion, it is can be hard to see other women with their massive sized family. Or the fact that I work instead of staying home...I don't care.

Last week I went to an annual women's meeting to hear speakers. One speaker was centered around childbirth. One of my friends asked if that bothered me because I have not had birthed any...I told her that it did not.

And here is why... See, I have two children that Heavenly Father entrusted in ME and I have over hundreds of children that have walked through the doors of my classroom  and these children have grown more inside that anyone can even count. My calling in life may not be centered around having children burst out of my womb or being a stay home but of others..... sometimes I feel is my mission to serve the needs of other children that need ME. If you know me, you can see why..I mean really know me.

In my patriarichal blessing, it said that chosen spirits would be sent to me. I have always known that I would never bear any children. It is something that I felt inside since I was a teenager.  With my two that I have, I would not trade  them for anything in the world. They are my life and have given me so much meaning and many experiences. This is who I of Lyndee and Brayden, my personal joys. I am glad that.....I can see my children at school. I can see who my children play with. I know which teacher will meet the needs of my child. My children know that I am there for them.

The reason I write my feelings is I came upon this article that really touched me.


Ginger said…
Thanks for sharing that Ang! I so know how you feel about the small family / working mom thing. I feel that all the time since I only have 3. I didn't have to deal with infirtility like you have, but my depression was so bad after Colten that we decided we couldn't risk it again.

You are exactly where you need to be and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise! Love ya!
Missy said…
I need to get you and Trinity together, I would love for her to have a "mom" at school, someone who will watch over her. It is hard to send her off into the world.
My 2 are mine, but it was a struggle to get them here. I will never have a housefull, and that is ok. I have more of me to give to each one and am able to be there for them.

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