Our new addition to our family

We decided after seeing the vole damage in our yard that it was time to invest in a cat. Yesterday, the principal at my school was cleaning several kittens up. They were found under the garbage bin by the cafeteria. They had colds and conjuctivitis in their eyes. I guess they ended up belonging to the girl across the street. Mom was pleased and relieved that I and another person were going to take the kittens. I was hoping that we would take a girl. We "thought" it was girl...but it's a boy. He will be a our new garage kitty. He will stay in the garage for a month or so before we let him venture outside. The dogs are not too curious but they are suspicious. We will introduce them in a couple days.

Lyndee had wanted to call the cat Crystal but it is a boy. We are helping her pick a name out that is not Pink, Crystal, or any other girly name. We are trying to persuade her to name him Vader for Darth Vader. But right now we are stuck on Zane. Well keep you posted to see if this kitty lasts the wrath of my kids.


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