My first repurpose!!!

So, I felt inclined to fix up a crappy black bookcase. I made so many mistakes. I should have primered it which I will do with my next project.  I almost threw the whole thing in the garbage as it fell apart when husband put it on the front lawn. I was shocked that my 10 dollar bookcase should have been worth a few bucks. A few spray cans later, some pegboard to make it sturdy, and fabric to make it pretty...Walla!  I know...I should have been painting my basement rooms. The flooring comes in next week and I still have to paint. 

 But now Lyndee has something to put into her new room that is twice the side of her itty bitty room. She moves in that room next week. So for now it will just have to been in her itty bitty room that will be for guests. Oh, and I get a craft room next week too....Ahhhhh!
Thank goodness, you can't see the sides where the stupid spray paint bubbled and cracked. Not sure why....actually I do but that is my own fault.


Ginger said…
It looks great! How exciting to get your new rooms done!

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