My spiritual Saturday....

Today I had the opportunity to attend Time out for Women in Pocatello with a good friend. What an awesome way to kickstart my summer vacation to renew and cleanse myself spiritually! My pictures did not turn out as well as I had hoped but hear I go. This program was a real life changing experience in the way that I am mother, wife, and teacher.  The Spirit was there and boy was it strong.

At the beginning, the emcee told the audience to choose one thing that would help you  become the woman that you want to be. Who am I to become? The whole audience were women by the way.

Can you think of one? I have two in mind.

Here are some things that really touched me. They are from all the various speakers that were there.

0. Be a better friend to yourself and listen to yourself.

1. This life is about becoming better..making us more sacred. That change is possible with Christ. It may be easier to not go to church, not attend your meetings, believe in the Big Bang etc.. The Big Bang cannot love or help you like Heavenly Father's plan.

2. Treasure motherhood. You don't have to have children to be a mom, you can a "mother" heart (this one really hit me)

2 1/2. Remember when it is one of those days that it is the day not you and it's bound to go away.

3. Find a way to be grateful for your challenges. By being grateful, it lets Heavenly Father know how much we love Him.

The ones below are from a woman who went totally blind 7 years ago. She was a hoot but I learned from her. I felt that I connected to her message as I have to wear these hearing aids day in and day out. I feel thankful that technology has made it so I can hear with them.

4. It takes MORE faith to live with problems and those problems can help polish and refine us. Think about the Jaredites. There is always the light of Christ during dark times.

5. Live looking to God we will feel Him and His strength.

6. Learn to laugh in difficulties. Live is WORTH living. It is worth the struggle. There is a God in heaven that knows YOU.

After each speaker, Mercy River performed and spoke enlightening words. I bought their CD..Can I say awesome!

I think hearing the words and seeing the circumstances of some of the speakers. I might become the woman that I want to be.


Anonymous said…
I love TOFW! I'm so sad I missed it this year. Thanks for sharing:) Mercy River is my fave!!
Missy said…
I was sad I didn't get to go. Whitney in MR was my roomie in colleger.

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