Some of my favorite pictures!

As you know, we used to live in the heat. I can't tell you how grateful I am that we live where we live. I love it here. Whenever I am in the car, I tell my husband how much I love it here. I love the scenery and the beauty all around.

In the summer back in AZ, I let my kiddos roam around in their undies.

What do you think she had for dinner? Spaghetti and then her favorite fruit. Can you guess what monkey liked?

The pictures above..yay, their hair is not wet. That is Vick's vaporub. It does not come out with water, peanut butter, dawn, baby powder. It took a couple days for it to come out. I want to say that I used baby oil and it grabbed the vick's right out. This was not done on my watch..This is from having a babysitter that liked to text her friends and not watch my kids obviously. watch...he got into my mascara.
For the longest time, anytime, I took pictures of my kids. They would bend down like this. Cute, they are!

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