Night out

Tonight we went to a pioneer celebration for our stake. We have never gone before and didn't know what to expect. I figured that we would be in and out. Even though dinner was provided, we went out to Gator Jack's beforehand. We came to the church building. There was this huge circle made with straw bales and then covered with tarp to make a fishing pool. There were some trout in it. Little did I know that they put a whole lot of trout in and then the kids try to catch the fish with their bare hands. Lyndee and Brayden both rolled out their pants and went in. They caught fish but I had them put it back. We didn't bring baggies to put them in. I have video of Lyndee and Brayden separately. Gotta tell you the one of Brayden is a hoot.
In this video, he is the screamer.
Lyndee was so wet after her plunge. She was such a trooper. Lyn was in the green shirt.

Of course, there would be a dunking booth here. Again, I had no idea the kids were the subjects. How cool is that! I would not let Lyndee do it because Brayden was barely tall enough for it. Brayden got dunked! He even did it twice. That was such a hoot! Glad that we went and what was so adorable is that when Brayden said his prayers tonight. He prayed that he would catch more fishies next year. That was worth it!



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