Sneak Peak

We are almost done with our basement. I have to paint some rooms, doors, baseboards, and add a mirror. Here is a little sneak at my hallways on the main floor.
Before with my crappy carpet in a high traffic area.
After: Laminate that matches my wood flooring. Can you spy the real wood flooring?


Ginger said…
I'm so glad you are getting your house all nice and remodeled just for me to come stay with you in October! :) It looks great! I can't wait to see it in person!
Ah! Ginger! I have your room ready. Kaeli is going to love it up here. I just wish ya'll would come now because it so green and would be a nice change from that brown, dry ground. Now if your sister would just come too. Miss ya'll! Loved visiting your parents. Made me homesick for RV.

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