UTah WeeKend

Last week, cuz we really needed to get out of town to do some school shopping, we went down to Utah and the big city. We were supposed to go camping at Bear Lake but hello, I don't do camping on my birthday or where there might possibly be no shade. We left on my birthday and we took the kids to Boondocks. Best fun I have ever had in a long time. 

Lyndee had the best time spraying EVERYONE. I was hoping they would get her back.  Below is the best virtual roller coaster EVER! Clay and I were looking to quickly waste the credits that we built up. We actually went on this before the kids. IT was awesome. The kids loved it and did it a couple times. I have video of them totally mesmerized by it.

Then we went to Cracker Barrel for dinner. We have always wanted to try it and there were no lines. It was alright. I told Clay next time we are trying breakfast cuz the dinner menu was not too fancy schmancy. All of the Marriotts were booked and some other hotels that I liked too. SO we ended up at a Days Inn off of Washington Blvd in Ogden. The giant monster pool for the kids and I made up for the rooms. It was actually a nice stay cuz I got to relax in a pool with Brayd and Lyn., Then Friday, we went school shopping. Don't think I saved money or bought a lot. But it was nice to spend time with the family. Saturday, we went to a future nephew's baptism. What better way to finish off the visit! DID you know that it is now 20 years since I have been a baptized member of the LDS church. My own baptism was on my 18th birthday.

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