YuP, I HaD a BIrthDay!

Last week, I turned 38. Yes, I am 38 years old and I don't care. I don't act my age. I decided that maybe I should be more young at heart. Anyways.. I still  hate birthdays (only mine of course) but I had spirits lifted when some gals from my church came over to wish me a happy birthday. That was real nice since sometimes I feel so lonely and isolated here in the country...  I don't know why I hate getting older. I think 60 gray hairs popped out of my skull when it was my birthday. I know totally random... I was thinking of doing a top 10 list of things that I like/love/enjoy but since I turned 38, 38 things would be appropriate. Oh, they are not in any specific order.

1. Chips and Salsa (preferably homemade)
2. Sleeping in
3. Kids sleeping in
4. Church songs (not tabernacle stuff but contemporary artists)
5. Ice cold coca cola
6. Fresh rain smell
7. Sunsets with oranges, pinks, and purples
8. Brayden (my best boy)
9. Lyndee (my best girl)
10. Clay (husband)
11. Each of my dogs
12. A good book
13. Roses (I miss my rose garden at my old house. I had 6 different types that bloomed all year long)
14. Rhubarb
15. Huckleberry picking
16. Parades
17. Snow
18. Snow days
19. Sledding with kids
20. Wading in a cold creek
21. The clear starry nights
22. Good friends that cheer me up
23. Girls Night Out...whenever that is.
24. 20 years being LDS (best thing ever to happen to me)
25. Quiet moments
26. Reading the scriptures and enjoying it.
27. June, July, and August
28. Halloween
29. Clean House
30. My parents
31. My brother, sis in law, and nephew
32. Reconnecting with old and new friends on facebook.
33. Technology in my classroom
34. Mexican food (Gecko Grill in Gilbert...still my fave)
35. Cooking
36. Canning
37. Idaho (best decision ever to move here)
38.  Special moments with my kids and husband.


Ginger said…
I'm glad you had a nice birthday and I feel your pain with the gray hair. It's no fair! I loved your list.

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