1st day of school..

Ahh! My babies. Off to their first day of school. Lyndee is in first grade and Brayden will be in second grade. I love this time of year. The firsts of many things in their lives.

Lyndee...what can I say? I hope you do many great things this year. You will learn how to read, add, subtract, and make new friends. I hope you succeed in paying attention, raising your hand, and being the best. I hope you soar, Lyndee.
So proud of Brayden, he did a great job learning how to read in 1st grade. I can't wait until we can read more books together. Yay! You get to add, subtract, multiply, and learn how to patient with others in your classroom. Good luck buddy!

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Ginger said…
I wish we could start this late. I hate that we go so early. I hope you have a good class this year.

It looks like my trip up there is going to be on hold... Who knows when or if we are going to get up there before this time next year. I'll let you know if plans change. :(

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