Fire in the pit....and wild horses..

To finish off our firewood, Clay on the spur decided to have one last fire of the summer in our pit. I had to finish my yucky homework assignment. After I finished, I went outside to enjoy some family time with husband and kids. We heard distant farm animals like a horse neighing and maybe some goats bleating. I commented to my husband that they sounded weird.  Then our dogs started barking furiously. Next thing we know, a whole bunch of horses ( could have been two to four) come through the two houses in our backyard and cut through our yard where we were at. Clay says, "Run!" I think I carried my chair 40 feet to ward off the lions. We are ran into our fenced in yard and into the house and peeked out the blinds. We are a bunch of wimps, I know.  The horses went somewhere across the 100 road. No one even came looking for them.  No clue where they went so we went back out to enjoy our fire. The kids were spooked and so was I. Every so often while we were enjoying the rest of our fire, we would hear a horse neigh. Clay put the fire out and we went inside. That darn full moon!


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