Apple is not for the birds...

For last couple years, I hear about people going to pick apples at this orchard. I have wanted to but always when it was too late. Since I am a beginner canner, I want to can some apple pie filling jam. Yes, jam. I want to make some apple butter. Then I want to make my family some homemade apple sauce. I know I will go back next week to pick more apples. But until then....we shall snack on these wonderful precious fruits of our Heavenly Father.
My favorite picture....This was the view of the mountains nearby (you have got to click this picture for a bigger view...). We had our first snow on Thursday--about 2 inches. It is all gone--thank goodness. Anyways, those mountains hold my precious huckleberries. What a view! I am so jealous that they get to look out everyday.
Picking honeycrisp apples with my honeys!

We filled our cooler in no time. I wanted to bring two but put only one in.Lyndee picked so much that her little bag broke. She was so pleased with her apple picking skills.

Brayden enjoyed this as well. He picked several bags. 
As we left the orchard, Brayd and Lynd posed for us. I love them so much. Today was a great day with the family.
It was such a great day because....I put family first today...I decided to not go into work at 6:30 a.m and work for several hours. Brayd had his football games cancelled due to the lovely snow. It was a nice day and they could have played...and I am so glad they didn't.

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Missy said…
I want to go pick apples. Will you share the location? I am out of applesauce.
Ginger said…
That DOES look like a fun day! You are so lucky to get all those yummy apples. We didn't get any this year again. I am a little sad, but what I can do? Good for you to spend the day with your family and not go to work. You need a day off too!

We got snow on Escudilla and Baldy this week too! I can't believe it's here already. It was warm right up until Wednesday and it snowed on Friday. The leaves haven't really even changed yet. I bet they are just going to die and fall off without changing. :(

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