Got arrested last week...

Last week, we read about mysteries. One of my coteachers has a brother who is a police officer. She brought him to talk about what he does and what he needs to help solve a crime. Well..the co teacher accused me of stealing her teapot..Me? I denied it but he knew I was lying and I had to give it back to her. I guess stealing is wrong so he arrested me in front of all our little fourth graders...handcuffs and all.

 It was not very cool once I was in the cruiser. Very uncomfortable. I had about 6 inches of leg a skirt. I had him uncuff me before getting out so I could straighten my skirt.
I hope that will be the only time that I am in a police car.


Ginger said…
hahahahahaha! Oh Angie! I can TOTALLY see you doing this. I miss your antics, you silly woman! What a great learning experience for the kids though... they will remember that for the rest of their lives! :)

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