My son was baptized!!! Yay!

It was nice to wake up to a snow covered lawn. A clean slate! That is what Brayden got when he entered the waters of baptism today. It was a truly great experience for him.
My friend makes really awesome cakes and I found something similar (not really similar cuz this one rocks!) on the internet and we (Clay and I) totally KNEW that it was meant for him to make his day extra special. We were so pleased to have a golden plates cake. It was strawberry inside. His favorite flava! Here is a link to the awesome woman that makes them. We will totally do another one for Lyndee's baptism next year.

 Brayden and Lyndee were so excited this morning. This is where I figured that one of my little monsters turned my flash off. It is now all fixed.

This day was a very special occasion for Brayden. We had Clay's mom and aunt, brother and future wife, my sis in law, and all my nieces and nephews come to SUPPORT Brayden. It totally made it extra nice for him. It was very heart felt and it was great to spend time celebrating.

 Right before his baptism! Sorry no picture of Lyndee or me. Just the men today. The talks were fabulous. The first talk was about baptism and the choices that we make. The second talk was on the Holy Ghost. it is important to have a gentle heart to hear the gentle whisperings. Love it! I was great on crying up until confirmation when a member from bishopric asked me to say a few words. I was overcome with so many feelings. The spirit was so strong in the room. I could almost feel Clay's dad presence there as well. I don't get too emotional often. I like to hide....but...baptism and my membership to this church are my prized possessions. Some may not understand and that is okay. These are my feelings and no one can rob me of them.
My two favorite men in the world right now! He did a great job on the baptism and confirmation. Brayden said that the best part was getting baptized. I told him to pay special attention when he was in the water. He said that he saw Jesus. How cool was that!


Ginger said…
I KNOW how much your membership means to you. I remember. :)

What a cute boy. It sounds like his baptism was perfect. What a great memory for him.

PS - I LOVE his cake! What a cute idea!

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