Someone turned 8

Brayden turned 8. His grandparents came from Meridian to spend the weekend with us. We had homemade sloppy joes for dinner, french fries, cider, and birthday cake for dinner. See below my shrunken head cider. Those are the heads...floating in the cider...yummy.

I made his cake. It was a mummy cake with eyes poking out from it. He loved it.

After presents, cake, and fun, as a family, we all headed up to Rexburg and went to the straw maze. It was sooo much fun. We went through and decided to go back to find the beginning. My husband decided to ditch us. We thought he was lost. A couple minutes later, I get a call from him telling me that he is at the beginning. We ended up being lost. We might make this a tradition. It was a hoot.

Anyone that knows Brayden, this is his true form. Always having this huge smile. I love him so much.  
Crazy fun with nephew, too.
Ya....thats me with my babies. There's my mom playing peek a boo with the camera. Just kidding, shes not.

 Thanks to my sis in law for giving me some of her pictures. My kids got a hold of my camera and somehow turned the flash off. Took me a week or longer to figure it out. 

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