
Showing posts from December, 2011


My camera is near death. On Christmas Eve, we watched the Polar Express at my bro and sis in law's house. We set up a mini concession stand. We had our parents drive the kids around to look at lights while we set up the treats. We taped tickets to the door as they came in . Then they bought their treats from my sis in law. Clay helped them purchase their goodies.  My brother took their tickets and undid the jumprope. Then I showed them to their seats in the basement. They sat and enjoyed their treats while watching the movie.                                      We had a great time. Then we went home and put the kids to bed. We have always been able to sleep in. Waking up early has never been a tradition. However, this year, Brayden set his alarm for 6:30. I told him that I hope it ...

My little star of the week

Since Lyndee's birthday is on New Year's Eve, she gets to be star of the week in her class. Of course, with that a poster is made! Lyndee wanted hearts. We put pictures and her fave things on them. She had a great time helping me make this.


Well, Christmas is almost here. I have neglected my family, my house, and my sanity to put others first. I can't tell you what a great feeling it was too (well, at times).  I organized a fundraiser at the school and we collected $2200. Then what I should have done is divided up some of the money and the families and have teachers do the shopping. I was stupid and thought that I could do it all by myself. And I could have..if I took two days off from work to do it. But last weekend, I had my friend help me, then my sis in law, and then my husband. Presents were wrapped and stacked. What a great experience!

My feelings.

I came across this print in Pinterest. It reads: Go forward in life with a twinkle in your eye and a smile on your face, but with great purpose in heart. As I read that quote, I thought I can have twinkling eyes and a smile..but what is my great purpose?  I came across a circumstance this week on Facebook that really made me upset. It happened on Wednesday, and here I am still upset. I shouldn't be upset. It was not directed toward but I feel that it took a little bit of my spirit away and made me judge another. I feel guilty that I had judgmental feelings.  I am still upset by it...not by my feelings but that the person who made the comment got other people riled up. Those people were riled up and felt angry and then they too judged. It was a vicious cycle. So..I am stepping back, limiting my time on facebook,  and now I am thinking...what is going on with people? Maybe it is my level of maturity (I do have that at certain times) or maybe it is the ...

Santa Visit

This is the second visit for the kids. Friday night we went to the town Christmas parade. Then after they had Santa. The kids and all of us waited in line for almost 45 minutes for the kids to sit on his lap. Then on Saturday, we had our ward Christmas party. After dinner and small singing program, the kids were able to meet with Santa.