My feelings.

I came across this print in Pinterest. It reads: Go forward in life with a twinkle in your eye and a smile on your face, but with great purpose in heart.

As I read that quote, I thought I can have twinkling eyes and a smile..but what is my great purpose?  I came across a circumstance this week on Facebook that really made me upset. It happened on Wednesday, and here I am still upset. I shouldn't be upset. It was not directed toward but I feel that it took a little bit of my spirit away and made me judge another. I feel guilty that I had judgmental feelings.  I am still upset by it...not by my feelings but that the person who made the comment got other people riled up. Those people were riled up and felt angry and then they too judged. It was a vicious cycle. So..I am stepping back, limiting my time on facebook,  and now I am thinking...what is going on with people? Maybe it is my level of maturity (I do have that at certain times) or maybe it is the effects of going to to church all the time.

Over the last couple weeks, I have read comments on facebook that are not nice to others. It goes against  how we need to be like Jesus. Then I I just a Sunday Mormon? Do I act a certain way at church and then not even use what I learn in church during the week? Yes, I do at times and I am sure others do as well. My problem is that I need to avoid situations where I feel judgmental and I need to learn how to turn those feelings of resentment off. ...Here is what I am going to say to those more! I am going to strive to be more like Jesus and influence my family to do the same as well.

I found my self serving others this week. It felt great!  First, we did our fundraiser to help some families that are struggling at our school. We raised $2200.00.  Now tomorrow, I get to shop for two families. I am so excited to go! Then I went with a local Scout group last night to sing Christmas carols to a senior home. It warmed my heart. I could only think of how I hope they were warm too. So this next week in activity days, we are not going to think about ourselves. We are going to put others before us and tie a couple fleece blankets for the retirement home in our ward. I want others to feel what I feel!

So I think to myself, what is going to be my great purpose? Well, it is simple. My purpose is to go forward and be an example of Christ. May some see that example and want to follow in my footsteps. I dont know but it has to be better than the latter.


Ginger said…
I think that is awesome Ang.! That is one of the worst parts of FB... luckily, there are positive and uplifting things as well. I love seeing how your testimony has grown and you have become so strong in your love for the Savior. I hope you have fun shopping today! Love ya! Ging

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