
My camera is near death. On Christmas Eve, we watched the Polar Express at my bro and sis in law's house. We set up a mini concession stand. We had our parents drive the kids around to look at lights while we set up the treats. We taped tickets to the door as they came in . Then they bought their treats from my sis in law. Clay helped them purchase their goodies.  My brother took their tickets and undid the jumprope. Then I showed them to their seats in the basement. They sat and enjoyed their treats while watching the movie.


We had a great time. Then we went home and put the kids to bed. We have always been able to sleep in. Waking up early has never been a tradition. However, this year, Brayden set his alarm for 6:30. I told him that I hope it does not go off so we can sleep in. It did! At 6:30, our bedroom lights turn on and the kids are shouting, "It's Christmas!" That made my heart melt because it will not last long with them growing like weeds.
I didn't even take a picture of the tree this year. The kids loved their presents. Santa brought Lyndee some electric drums and Brayden a remote control car and even an X-box Kinect. Lucky ducks!
Then we went over to my sis in law and brother's house to open more presents from them and grandparents.

Lyndee received some clothes, socks, a cool doll, a rockin' microphone, and more. Brayden received his electric scooter.
That is all the pictures that I have for Christmas. One thing I should have asked Santa for is...a camera. Mine is almost out the door.

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Ginger said…
I love the idea of having tickets and purchasing their treats for the movie! That sounds so fun! I'm glad you guys had a good Christmas!

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