
Showing posts from January, 2012

Oh, ya! I did it!

You can now call me Master Ingram..What's in store for me next? I need a second job to pay for my student loans. :) Serious, I am actually looking to work on any online colleges or at any nearby colleges in the evening. If I like college students, I might go back and get my doctorate and try to be a college professor.

Random picture of the kids and puppy..

The haze is starting to lift from my life. Here is a picture of my lovelies. That is Rosco. He is ten months old and still in training. This is before church last Sunday. Church was great. They did a musical testimony meeting. People went up and shared how music and certain song has touched their life. I have so many songs that I love. My favorites are "Come, Follow Me" and "Because I Have Given Much". more..

Last week was not the best week. It started out on Sunday morning when Lyndee threw up a smidge. I thought she just got overheated and it was a little spit up. Then during sacrament, she started to burn up more so I took her home. Monday she was fabulous as we vegged around all day. Tuesday morning and day:  she didn't eat much breakfast and said that she had a tummy ache. Tuesday evening: Throw up. Wednesday morning and day: Fine Wednesday Evening: Throw up, Thursday morning and day : fine, Thursday evening. Throw up. Friday and so forth: Fine. Usually, I am not one of those moms that take their kids in for every ailment but Lyndee's little sickness was weird. When I took her in, the doctor was no help as Lyndee didn't have a fever. She was just gassy. I know. TMI. Well, everyone is fine now. Except stomache aches are lurking in Brayden...Stay tuned.

I am alive..just in case you are wondering....

(I think you need to click it to make it  larger if you can't read warned it might make the  picture all weird-like..weirder than it already is) This month has been crazy! Not sure why, though! I mean I finished my master's last month and caught up on all of my grading over the holidays. My house however will always be a disaster area cause everything else in my life takes over and I am so tired after work.  This say....well... I was interviewed back in December in our local newspaper of about 500 readers...just kidding. Not sure though.  I didn't want to do it because...1. I hate my picture and I asked her to not use that one. But oh well.. she did anyways. 2. I was worried about what people would say about it. No one likes to toot their own horn, right. So I grabbed me a coke and found some courage and called the person back. It was easy and  I thought that with all the questions that she asked me it would only f...

All caged up.

I know! He put himself in there with Roscoe! He cracks me up. 

Lyndee turns SEvEn

Yes, the last day of the year is a special day. Lyndee's birthday!! We didn't have a birthday party yet for her since the holidays were very hectic. Hopefully, we can do something for her in the next couple of weeks. She informed me that she wanted to either have a hello kitty party or an earring party..Not sure what she meant by that but I think we will go with that theme and invite a couple girls from her class over. Can't wait.. She was happy as a clam on her birthday.  For breakfast, we had french toast and eggs. We had her open her presents from us then. Just us family. For her birthday, she received  some cool jammies that match her doll, an earring holder cuz she has received alot since getting her ears pierced, a cute purse, and of course from Grandma, a birthday Barbie. After spending the day together, we had her auntie, uncle, and cousin come over for her faves dinner: chicken nuggets and mac n cheese. I was able to talk her out of top ramen fo...