I have not been blogging like I used to and have been ignoring it on purpose too. I have been caught up in a haze of anger, worry, sadness, depression, feelings of why? for about two months. It was out of my control and the circumstances were out of my control as well. I didn't ask for it too! It just happened. I can't believe how I have let things in my own life and my house just go. I am sick of being overwhelmed by my house. It is not the cleanest today and the counters have clutter on them. The only thing I can manage to do is tackle my laundry (but I have a mountain already waiting to be folded) and the bathrooms. I did clean my hallway floors yesterday. No one comes over anyways so why bother, right? So.. last week I had an epiphany. I decided that I needed to be happy and worry about ME and my well-being. I needed to be me. I had a little wake me up call last week or a jolt to get me out of this haze. I monitor my students' emails on a program. Just so they a...