Just me here!

I have not been blogging like I used to and have been ignoring it on purpose too. I have been caught up in a haze of anger, worry, sadness, depression, feelings of why? for about two months. It was out of my control and the circumstances were out of my control as well.  I didn't ask for it too!  It just happened.

I can't believe how I have let things in my own life and my house just go. I am sick of being overwhelmed by my house. It is not the cleanest today and the counters have clutter on them. The only thing I can manage to do is tackle my laundry (but I have a mountain already waiting to be folded) and the bathrooms. I did clean my hallway floors yesterday. No one comes over anyways so why bother, right?

So.. last week I had an epiphany. I decided that I needed to be happy and worry about ME and my well-being. I needed to be me. I had a little wake me up call last week or a jolt to get me out of this haze. I monitor my students' emails on a program. Just so they are appropriate. One student wrote that I have been getting meaner to another. I can't describe how I felt. I was shocked and numb. And of course, very sad..  I have become one of those "mean" teachers. It really crushed me because one thing I am not is mean. Or at least I feel like I am not mean.

First thing I did was that I started going to bed early and just relax by reading the Ensign and or checking the internet.  I decided that in my mind. I just needed to be happy . When I started feeling down or upset this week, I said a prayer. It has helped. One of my friends told me that it was a long time since she heard me laugh when I laughed last week. It's sad that she was right. I was happy for a couple days last week.  Don't know how I will fill next Sunday but I am progressing and moving forward.


Ginger said…
I'm sorry Ang... it sounds like you are having a bit of the blues. Hopefully warmer weather will come soon and you can get out. Going to be early always helps. Try having family scriptures and prayers with your kids just before they go to bed each night. For some reason, that always helps... it makes bedtime so much more peaceful and then you can go to bed relaxed and maybe sleep better. (Maybe that's when you already have it, but if not, it is worth a try.) Hang in there!

And no, you are NOT a mean person... just going through a rough spell. Love ya! Hang in there!
Actually...we haven't had a winter so I can rule that out. Just a crappy circumstance that was out of my control!

Thanks! I hope to see you in April. I am applying at BYU for a teaching job so maybe I will have her in a class or see her.

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