
Tantrums. Kicking seats. Pretending to leave. Star Charts. Angry. Sadness. Happy dances. Tears. Hitting head against wall, couch, floor. Dog pee on floor.  Winds. Frustration. Surprises. Leaving checkbook at home while trying to buy groceries. Sadness again. Scout banquet. Tiredness. Exhaustion. Piano lesson. Piano practice. Dog doo accident on floor. Bedtimes. Baths. Tantrums. Giggles. Family time. More Giggles. Hugs. Prayers.

Today, I sit with my family at Cafe Rio before seeing my only favorite Dr. Seuss book/movie: The Lorax.  Brayden has green hair from yesterday's crazy hair. Lyndee has one pink spot still visible.  Lyndee giggles. Brayden shares chicken nachos with his dad. I share my burrito with Clayton. Lyndee eats her own chicken taco and chips.  Lyndee just refills her own drink by herself. She is not going to need me any more soon. These days are going by. Brayden sips his drink more. He and I are struggling right now and all we are doing is butting heads. But...now...as we enjoy our lunch....we are happy. This is bliss. What matters is that they are happy!  Lyndee giggles more. Accepting who they are, who Lyndee is and who she is going to to become.

Today I read this link: http://katiewetherbee.wordpress.com/2012/02/06/joy-or-just-wait/

I love my kids and my husband. I love my little family. Just wishing that they would stay little just a little bit longer.


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