Last Day of School

The above picture is the first day of school and the pictures below are the last day of school. Brayden mentioned that he should wear the same clothes as the first day of school. I don't think his pants survived and  Lyndee's shirt can't be a little dress with leggings anymore. So it is just a shirt with jeans. They did great this year. They both read above their grade level. Brayden's math is way above grade level. He has several of his facts for multiplication down already and we discuss them daily. Lyndee's reading is way above grade level too. I am a proud mama. 
 Yay! School is out! We finally get to relax and the house/life organized and cleaned up. Our plans for the summer include: soccer, hanging out, camping, fishing, going to visit great grandma/pa in Oregon for a reunion, visit grandma and Aunt Carol in Utah, go to Yellowstone, pick huckleberries, clogging camp, piano lessons (maybe), and to the end the summer with flag football. I am now officially a summer stay home mommy and I couldn't be prouder and happier to stay home with these lovelies this summer.


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