tO mY sISTErs

Dear Sisters,

I want to talk about something that happened to a dear friend of mine who is not of our faith. All of the sisters in her subdivision gathered at a house for dinner and then went to the movies. I can tell you it is not my ward but it is in our stake. Everyone attended except for the 3 or 4 that were not LDS in the neighborhood. It makes me sad because my friend is friends with everyone as well. Why should she be excluded? What a great opportunity to fellowship and befriend someone!

Can you imagine eating dinner and seeing everyone in the neighborhood that you have grown close to for several months flock over to one person's house and not be invited or even asked? Shame on you! Even if you were there knowing that others weren't invited, can I say guilty my association? Needless to say after having a bad taste in my mouth of this, I wonder do I or others do the same? I am thinking YES!

I have seen a neighbor invite other sisters from the ward but not everyone my neighborhood. I remember feeling so mad and sad at the same time. My husband recalls my tears that were shed but I went into the basement. I know how it feels whether you are LDS or not. I vowed I would NEVER do that! My friend's husband gave me this ARTICLE that everyone should read.  We should extend the olive branch to those around us when we have these functions. I am not saying invite the whole neighborhood if you have a huge neighborhood but your neighbors! It is totally not cool to be left out. Everyone likes to feel included or even recognized.

Here is my goal for me! I am going to take treats to those in my own neighborhood that I have neglected whether they be LDS, Buddhist, or nothing. No one likes to feel excluded! I challenge you with the same. Say hi to those around you, take them treats, stop by to chit chat, or even wave. Let's grow some kindness in our neighborhoods or even be kind to those around you in the work setting. 

President Thomas S. Monson has taught, "Let us learn respect for others. … None of us lives alone — in our city, our nation or our world." I love President Monson and I believe that he is inspired. I also believe that we can inspire others by our example of Christ.

I know..that we hear the old saying the church is perfect, it is the people that are imperfect. That is true, but isn't time for a change?  Let us be the perfect example to those that are watching our religion closely.


Cheri said…
AMEN! Your post was right on the nose and wonderful. Thanks for sharing. As a convert, and the only member of my family, this makes my heart ache. Too many folks tend to be exclusionary, and it often results in offense, hurt feelings, and bad feelings.

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