4th of July picture
Just in case you were wondering, I am alive and kicking. On the fourth, I chose to let the kids sleep in instead of going to the parade. They vegged all day and even Brayden said he was sick of fetching candy and its really not that fun. Well that made me feel better that I did have to have him endure another parade. After husband got off work, we spent the fourth of July at my brother's house. We had dinner and fireworks. It was a nice day to celebrate our country's birthday. .
That day, I messed up my back something fierce. How did I do that you ask? I was putting my pants on and I angered something in my lower middle back. I couldn't sit or lie down unless I wanted to be in pain. Ice and motrin were my two best friends for about a week.

That day, I messed up my back something fierce. How did I do that you ask? I was putting my pants on and I angered something in my lower middle back. I couldn't sit or lie down unless I wanted to be in pain. Ice and motrin were my two best friends for about a week.