1st days of school

 Yes, it was the first day for the 2012 year. The kids looks so grown up. Brayden will be in third grade and Lyndee will be in second grade. We are making the most of it. Clay takes the first couple days off so he can help the kids get settled and he helped me in the classroom as well.

 Lyndee is in her classroom. She is going to have good fun this year. She left that hoodie on all day. The next day I didn't let her take it. Wouldnt you know that it would be a tad chilly too? I know little miss Lyndee will grow in this class academically. She is above grade level on things. She has her focus this year. Yet..she still struggles socially.  That worries me.  It breaks my heart to see her alone at recess. She is calmer this year and I wish some girls would go up to her and ask her to play. It's only been three days.

 Ya, I think this is the last year that Clay embarrasses him and takes a picture of him. I can tell he is embarrassed. Brayd had a difficult start in this classroom. I chose this teacher because she was strict and was a strong reading teacher. Brayden was not a fan of that of that strictness the first couple days. We had tears, yelling, and exhaustion at home. And that came from both of us. :) I pray it gets better for him and both of us.  Brayden will do better academically this year. Behavior wise..he will struggle a smidge. He is a very strong-willed boy.

Peek-a-boo!!! Yup that's me doing a cheesy picture for you. I had my hair dyed my natural color. Then did a highlight in my bangs area. I am trying to deal with it and like it but it's hard.

For me, my class is going to be a difficult one this year. Many of my boys had no structure last year and I am breaking them in. I did have a glimmer of success finally on Friday.  I do like the boys. Some of them need to open up and show their creativeness and brains.  I have more girls than boys. Most of the class can be very talkative.  Only a smidge of the girls are talkers. All in all, they are a good bunch and I see good potential.  I must admit that I miss a bunch of the students from last year..now they were the cream of the crop. We have a new math program this year and it is hard for the kids and ME. So it's going to be a big stress this year.  I know I will get through it. I do it every year but this year I know I will come out with more grey in my hair than I started with.


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