Birthday Party for Brayden

 We decided a week before to go ahead and let Brayden have a party celebrating his last year as a single digiter. Makes me sad that he will be 10 next year but we have got to keep rolling with the punches, I guess. It was a crazy weekend. We had that Friday off due to non stop Parent Teacher conferences on Wed. and Thurs. Weekends are my haven from other children. is the breakdown of Brayden's party. The first thing the kids gobbled down was the pizza and cupcakes. I was hoping that it would take two hours.. Just kidding. We first made slime....Ewww! What kind of boy likes gooey slimy stuff! These do. We made four batches out of 4 bottles of glue. I wished we would have used clear glue but...I couldn't find any at a reasonable price. Then we opened presents. Brayden was a happy boy. This picture here below was the only time they were all sitting without dog piling each other or rough housing. They are such a great bunch and I am so thankful that Brayden gets to be friends with them.

After presents were opened, we sent them outside to play a game of football..But that didn't last..cause it was about 32 degrees out. Weird, I know.
Then..let the party games begin..I know that I am a lame mom that made 8 rowdy boys play them..What else could I do to keep my sanity?
 Behold, our nerf gun shooting range. I used this in my classroom for carnival night. Best idea EVER! We used the nerf guns that have bullets that are round and have a spongy thing around them. They richochet back to you (well not exactly to you but somewhere close)  if they hit the wall.

Then we went downstairs and shot guns at a cups that were stacked. The best game I thought was GLOW in the DARK ring toss. We have a room that is completely dark. The kids tossed Boise State Orange and Blue rings around....ready for paper towel holder. I have no pictures cause I am lame like that. Then the last 15 minutes..They had free reign of the house. Some played the Madden on the Xbox and others played Skylanders on the Wii. All in all, it was least I hope. We are still alive and yet the kids that came were able to return back to their respectable caves.


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