R.I.P Beloved Pet

This is Merlin Cole. He was 12 years old. We had him since he was 2 months old.

I thought it was so adorable how Lyndee put a crown on him two weeks ago and we took a picture of him sleeping. I would have never thought it would be his last. He was...my pet..my buddy....my best friend..  Yes, he was a dog. I don't care what people think about having pets in homes.  I gave my heart to him. He was the one that would follow me everywhere in the house. He would follow me if I went upstairs for a quick drink, or he would even sit in the bathroom while taking a bubble bath. Sitting in my recliner, he would be right next to me. He was my sleeping pal in the winter. We put him on top of the bed in the winter months so he and Clay and I would be warm. My reason was so it would keep the blankets on the bed because Clayton would be a blanket hog in the middle of the night. :) I can't bear the thought of being without him. He was in almost every picture of Brayden when he was a baby. He was my baby before my Brayden and Lyndee entered our home. He was there for me when I felt alone or sorry for myself.

Over Monday night, he threw up, pooped, and peed over the floor in the bathroom. He stopped eating, his kidneys were shutting down, and I knew that we would soon separate. Bravely, I took him to the vet on Wednesday after school. The vet checked his lungs and heart. They were great. He figured it was a bacterial infection. He gave us medicine and told me he would be brand new in two days. Well, Friday, he wasn't. He was breathing hard, panting, still not eating, but drinking water. Blood tests confirmed he was in renal failure and that only thing we could do was to put him down. We said our good byes and hugged him. We took him home and buried him next to his buddy, Kringle who we lost two years ago.  In the spring, I am going to plant some bushes around where they are buried.  When you love a pet so long and so much, it is really hard when they are gone. They become part of your family, and very much a part of your life.

It's going to take me a while to heal. Yes, I am going to be sad but I will be fine.


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