
 This year, we had Thanksgiving over at my house. We had a good meal. I cooked the turkey. It was yummy but I should have cooked it at 325 instead of 350. That up there is an apple crisp that I made instead of my normal apple pie. I however did make a rhubarb blackberry pie that was the bomb. I get so bah humbug these days but there is so much that I am grateful for so here is my top ten list. This year I listed my thankful things on facebook but it didn't have too much of  meaning to me,.

I am thankful for...
1. my parents who gave me life
2. my husband who puts up with my good and bad moments
3. my children and that have me as their mom. They don't know how good they have it and doubt they ever will but they are my life and light.
4. my brother and his family and that they live close to me
5. my home where all good and bad memories are being created and how each day I try to make it feel like heaven on Earth and haven from the bad
6. my dogs. I am thankful that Heavenly Father has entrusted them to us. I miss my Merlin so much and I never realized how sick he was and how much he was hiding it from me.
7. my health..I am thankful that I haven't had much sickness except for the bronchitis, pink eye, and ear infection a couple weeks ago.
8. the church. It has given me the direction that I need most days and completes who I am.
9. friends and blessed with what few I have. This was a hard thankful because I feel that my friends' list is very tiny. I feel so lonely still here.  No one calls me to chit chat. No one comes over to visit except VT's.  I feel so overlooked in our ward. Some days I care and some days it doesn't bother me. Today, it does.
10. my job. I am glad that I can use my brain and talents. Even though some days/years I am not a fan and would rather stay home, I am very blessed to work and provide for our family.


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