Father's Day Drive

The Thursday before Father's Day, I got real sick with the flu and it was passed down to Brayden on Saturday. By Sunday, we were getting cabin fever and decided to drive up to Swan Valley. We took our shih tzu, Molly and left. It was nice and relaxing to get out of the house. We stopped for some square ice cream. It ain't all that. I wished it was Reed's Dairy ice cream instead of Farr's. The kids loved theirs. On the way back, we stopped off the side of the road and snapped a picture of us in the car.

 It is sooo green up in Swan Valley. I would love to have a summer cabin there. It is so pretty. The pictures below are at the rest stop between Swan Valley and Ririe turn off. We loved the view of the Snake River.

Aren't they a cute bunch? Brayden has grown too much and Lyndee is following right behind them. We had a really good Father's Day. When we got home, we grilled steak and enjoyed the rest of the day together with no fighting from the kids.


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