June Visit to Grandma's (my mom and dad's)

So this year, I decided to do something totally not me. I took the kids to my mom's and left the husband behind. Usually he leaves me behind and goes and visits his mother. I hate traveling from home. I really get homesick and I like my home. So we left on Sunday after I taught Sunday school lesson on stories that talk about the priesthood. The kids, Molly the dog, and I left for Meridian.
 This is Molly in the front seat on the way over. The kids are in the back. They did such a good job. We took the highway and stopped at the Craters of the Moon, Carey, and a rest stop. Then they slept the rest of the way until we were at Grandma's.

 On Monday, we just hung around and went to Hobby Lobby, Kohl's and some other place. It was nice to just veg and get taken care of by my mommy.
 On Tuesday, this is a total must. We went to the Discovery Center. The kids did a whole bunch of hands on stuff with science. The kids loved to stand in front of the green screen. This reminds me when we went to the Mesa Southwest Museum. It was super fun. We spent almost 2 hours in there.

 Luckily, I remembered to bring their scooters. They went everywhere in my parents' neighborhood. They did a great job until Tuesday night.
 Lyndee was trying to keep up with her brother who was trying to race my dad's golf cart to the golf course. Well, she did not make it. She wrecked big time. The count of scrapes was one on Lyndee's elbow, one on each knee, and her hand. Then the next day, she added a second one to a knee. So she is one scraped up gal.
 On Tuesday night, we went with my parents to the golf course for dinner. That is the only picture. To the left of me, would be of a whole bunch of old people. So imagine Apache Junction in the winter. :)
 Then on Wednesday, my mom treated Lyndee and I to pedicures. Look at her knees! Oucharama! This was her first time in the chair and she loved it. I think we might try to go more often. Thanks mom!
 After our pedicures, the kids begged me to take them to a park that looked cool from the road. So I took them there, it ended up being a splash type park with playground equipment. We stayed almost two hours. The kids did not have swim suits but that did not stop them from getting wet all over.
 On the way back home, we took the freeway and I promised them that we would stop at Shoshone Falls. It was not too misty and was perfect. They enjoyed looking over the edge. That is about as far as I got by the way. I am a chicken of heights.
 We went on the lower walkway and took another picture of the falls. Not alot of run-off but still so pretty to look at. The kids were more entranced with the rock chucks that they saw. I know this is gross but we stepped on their poop on a pathway. At first, I thought it was another dog's. But it wasn't and it was a big as Molly's. So the kids watched for them when we were driving back up out of the canyon.

This was Molly on the way home as well. She got crazy around Blackfoot when we stopped for McDonald's. I had to throw french fries her way to fend her off. Then she kept barking at the drinks we got. It was such a hoot. We had a great time and will do it again next summer.


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