Cataldo Mission

 Meet Idaho's oldest building. It was built somewhere around 1853. The indians would see men in black robes holding a book so they sent a couple Indians to St. Louis Missouri to find more about this book and wanted it. This started the wheels for the mission in northern Idaho. 

 The picture above is the ceiling. Not sure if I could take a picture or not. So these are on the down low. The ceiling was probably real gorgeous at once. The color is purple and it comes from huckleberries.
 I am pretty sure that is the original flooring. The items in the front are the normal things that you see in a Catholic church. Real pretty stuff.

I stuck that picture in because the mountains are so pretty. That is the visitor's center if you want to watch a real boring movie about it. After we viewed the video and visited the mission, we walked over to a cemetery where over 300 unmarked graves were.


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