Doterra Oils

I don't know if you know but I love these oils. My most favorite oil is the peppermint oil. It has so many uses. Brayden was sick one day and I had to leave him home alone because it was too late to get a sub. He didn't want to go to my brother's and lay on the couch. I snuggled him up on the couch (he is 9) and put some peppermint oil on his forehead, his tummy, and behind his ears. He then slept off his sickness and felt better in the evening. I even diffuse peppermint in my classroom to make them more alert. I am going to diffuse starting the first day of class. Even when my kids have the barfs, I rub this stuff on their tummy and it works because I had the stomach flu back in June and used it. It fought it off.

Here is a link to my virtual office, if you are interested in buying some of these oils.  I am not planning to really sell but I thought I would put it out there in case. 


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