downtown SpOkaNe
Back in 1974, Spokane hosted the world's exposition. If you have ever been to one of these, they are absolutely phenomenal. My family and I went to the one in Vancouver, British Columbia back in the 80s when I was a wee teenager. I still have memories of all the exhibits and such. Well, all of the sculptures and all that jazz in Spokane downtown riverfront are from that. Atleast that is what I think... Is that the biggest wagon you had ever seen? No, I didn't go down on it but Clay and the kids did. I think his butt got stuck halfway down. :)
This is a metal trash eating goat. Husband and kids did not believe me but there is a button you push and then it sucks up the trash with its mouth. I cleaned out my whole purse of receipts.
Vroom! vroom!
The picture below is my favorite one of the whole trip. I feel like I am in Holland or something. It is just pretty.
So I overcame some of my fears and rode a glass tram over the river and falls and back again. I was pretty scared.
We went on vacation with Eric, my bro, Erica, and Tyler. They are behind Clay's head. This what we saw below our cage of death.
It's over! They loved it but I was freaking out at any little movement that was made from Brayden.
After we went to the Old Flour Mill, we took the footbridge. We walked over two of them and took pictures of the falls below.
It was such a nice day. We ended it by eating pizza at some downtown place and then to the Spokane Valley Mall. If that mall had a carousel in the food court, it would have been exactly like the Superstition Springs mall. Shopping..hallelujah!!!!