Silverwood Theme Park

The whole point of our trip was to go to this amusement/water park. IT is called Silverwood Theme Park. It's supposed to be the largest one in the northwest. It is located in Athol, ID. It is kind of weird to say it aloud and I feel a little naughty when I do say it. The amusement park side was a blast. Okay, here is the truth. The rides scared the crap out of me. I went on one thrill roller coaster ride called the Timber Terror and thought my head would bop into the wooden trestles as we zoomed down one of the roller coasters. I even opened up my eyes during the ride at times just in time to see me miss hitting my head. (just kidding). After it, I decided to throw my towel in and sit out on the next ride called Tremors. Glad that I did! It had four tunnels and drops that would probably make me pee my pants. And it took pictures of you. Ya, that kind of ride. 

My favorite ride was the antique cars that had a track. The kids could drive the cars. Maximum speed: 10 miles an hour. Lyndee drove one time around it and she thought it was super cool driving her own car. Then we stood in line for a year for the Thunder Canyon ride. It was a raft ride that has a course better than the one at Lagoon. All of us could fit on one. It was super fun. My whole body got soaked and my shorts never dried until I got home. 

After that, we headed over to the water park next door. That. was. super. fun. It reminded me of Big Surf but better. The wave pool was so forceful and awesome. I even went on a tube slide as well by myself. Then we waited for another year (okay, 20-30 minutes) for this ride called Ricochet (something). We as a family went on a huge raft thing down a tube slide.  It sloshed us side to side but was super fun.I wished that we could have went again but the water park was closing soon and we wanted to go into the wave pool one more time. After the wave pool, I took the kids over this picture below. It is like a mega splash park with a lots of slides and fun. I can tell you that I went on it and it was cool. They had a slide like the one up in Rexburg that has two slides together. Lyndee and I went down together and landed in water. I wished we had something like this over here.

This was a view from the parking lot. It was cool to have a nice view during our day.


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