This is where we've decided to hang out
We decided to get a pass to the lake nearby. It beats having the kids watch T.V on the couch or mess up the kind of clean house.Or find them friends to play with. That is a headache in itself since we live in a neighborhood with no kids their age. They are either older or younger. Nothing right in the middle. It is kind of good thing as well. Our plan is to fix up the house and land and put it up for sale in two years and move over to the LaBelle area or out towards Ririe area. I want trees and prettier scenery.
We will continue to go a couple times a week until football practices start. It has been nice and relaxing. It really takes my mind of things that I obsess about. It's a nice brain break and refreshing on the hot days.

We will continue to go a couple times a week until football practices start. It has been nice and relaxing. It really takes my mind of things that I obsess about. It's a nice brain break and refreshing on the hot days.