Brayden's was bound to happen

Back in August, this is one of Brayden's first practice games of the season. It was cold and rainy day up in St. Anthony. And he got sick from it as well.
 We left early from his real first game of the season because he was sick. Then I gave him some Triaminic cold medicine and he had a bad reaction to it. So I took him up to Madison Memorial. It turned out that he had strep and he got a shot in his butt. I told him it that would be cool and he could do it. Ya, I won't do that again. We will take the medicine route. That needle was so big and now I have an image engraved in my brain of him receiving that shot. It cracks Brayden and me up.
On warm day in September, Brayden moved! His address is now back upstairs on the main floor. Welcome home, Brayden, welcome home! :)
Back in October, Brayden had another trip to the doctor. Brayden's stitches have lovely story. One day, Brayden wanted to go play at his friend's house after school. The boy's mom even picked Brayden up from school. Then when I got home, the boy's mom called me and said that Brayden hit his head and is bleeding everywhere. In my state of mom panic, I speed at high speeds on the back roads to where he was at. He had a look of panic and I thought maybe I should take him in just in case. The mom felt truly sorry because she left them unattended for like two minutes.

When we got in the car, I said in my sugary mommy voice, "Were you doing something stupid?" Then he told me that he got in one of the toddler cars and it fell off the sidewalk into the gravel. I giggled. Yes, I giggled. I am not a bad mommy, really I am not.  I flashbacked in my mind where we had one of those police cars when we lived in Mesa and I had some older kids at my house playing with the car and being all crazy. Yes, my son is now that age and crazy. It wasn't that bad so I took him to the doctor where they stitched him up with two or three stitches. 

So now that it is the middle of November,  he has a bump there still because of his football helmet rubbing against it. Sometimes it goes down and sometimes it swells up. We will be taking him back probably this week. I wonder if he is half unicorn and that is what will come out of the bump. ha! ha! See picture of the bump below...You will believe in unicorns!


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