Quite a purchase!

We finally bought a snowblower after 3 winters in this lovely place. Really, I do mean lovely. I actually like it here. It reminds me of home: the wind, the awesome summer, 4 seasons, and lots of nice people. Anyways, with that weird blizzard and drifts galore, we decided to hurry up and purchase one. We had one on layaway in October but we had an unexpected expense and took the money from it. I am glad that we did because I saw bad ratings on that machine every day. Anyways, husband was trying it out on Friday and ended up getting snow blown in his face (from the wind). So he decided to bundle up: ski mask and all. Daughter wanted to take her picture with daddy because he kind of looked scary (more funny) in the ski mask.

Atleast he didn't get snow in his face. Grant it, he was only plowing about 3-4 inches.

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