Random post here! The reason for my randomness is the post below. That cake was hideous and I am not proud of it but I still need to keep it there for my journal. I don't want that to be the first thing seen on my blog. Anyways, I went to my friend's (who I visit teach and just adore) little baby celebration thing last week and it was kind of like a movie night with the movie above. First of all, I couldn't stay too long because I did not want my husband to think that I abandoned him because it was his birthday so I stayed for a couple of hours and left. They put this movie on. As it started, it brought in the problems that the coach was facing. Of course, the main one..a losing season and things falling apart/other problems. One of the problems was how the wife was unable to get pregnant. I thought to myself, "Great, another movie to remind me that "I" can't get pregnant. Can I just leave now, really..come on." I know that I have adopted two great...