
Showing posts from March, 2010

Us with the big man ....

I can't believe that we got to into the Oval Office and got pictures with the big man. Husband was so excited to meet the President. I was so excited to see him as well. Daughter could care less! She is still upset over the health bill. Okay, you got us. We went to the Treehouse Museum today in Ogden. More pics to come! We love this place. This was the first time that husband went.

Who's a pretty girl?

This is the 2nd year in a row that I have not had to buy Easter outfits. Yay! Last year grandma got this cute dress for Sister Lou and it still fits. I tried curling her hair for church last Sunday. It stays like 15 minutes. Then it goes flat. It was nice while it lasted.

Wanted! More girls to play!

(click the picture and it you'll see it better, I promise) Daughter was content to play on the tramp by herself. But this summer she is going to need more. I don't trust her to be alone with the many boys that are in my neighborhood. All boys live in our tiny neighborhood. How sad is that! (well only if you are not a boy and need a girl your age to play with.) We have no one nearby to play with except for up the street. She will be starting kindergarten in August. I can't believe how much she has grown. Anyways, I was thinking it would be nice to have a girl playgroup. She gets very lonely or maybe it is just me that is lonely. I can't wait for summer!

leprechaun traps

This past St. Patty's day, I gave my students the assignment of making a Leprechaun trap. I found it on the internet and I thought it was really a cute idea...So I read them a story about leprechauns on March 1st and then assigned the project...I actually forgot all about it and didn't really think my students would make one until I talked with a parent. She said that her son would not be there to hand it in on the day that it was due and if it was okay if he brought it in on Monday. All of my students except for about 2-3 brought one. The students had a total blast and loved that first graders/kindergarteners came into check them out and see how they work. That was totally unplanned. I think I will do this again next year and invite more classes to come in and check them out. The one that you see above is one that my son and I made at home. The white things have gold in their to entice the leprechaun to get the rest of the loot under the box. The gold is attached to somethi...

Our White Dog...still alive and kicking barely, though...

This is Kringle. We got him free two months after we got married back in the 90s. . He was a pup and about 9 months old. We say his birthday is in May so he does not feel bad. He is a white schnauzer mix. We say he is full bred so he does not feel bad that he is not. He is OLD now. He will be 14 years old in May. We took him and the other dogs into the vet today. The doctor said that his heart murmur has gotten worse. Anyways, last night, son and I were having a deep discussion about his age and asked, "Mommy, when Kringle turns 16 will he get his driver's license?" I said, "Could you just imagine that?" We chuckled at the thought.

Panda Express Baby!

Okay, so my posts have been far and in between because....well...I really have no reason. Down in the dumps, I suppose. We went down to our local store and noticed that they sell Panda Express sauce..and we love Panda especially the orange chicken..Personally I like the Mandarin chicken too and my husband loves the Sweet and Sour stuff. But one thing that we BOTH like is the orange chicken. Did I mention one is being built out here in the sticks...Well, 12 miles away from us in the big city that is close by. So I am happy..We bought all the different types of sauces that they sold. The price was not much to be admired when I saw they were sold at Walmart for a dollar cheaper. Here I have cubed chicken, green peppers, and shelled EDAMAME. I love edamame. After all of the above was cooked thru, I poured some of this Kung Pao sauce over my mixture. Then we ate it over rice..Yum! I was sad that I had no leftovers to take to work but...I know where I can buy some more. I have tried the or...

Green Eggs and Sausage?

For breakfast on St. Patty's day, I made my kids green eggs but with sausage. I usually don't do this as it caused my husband to gag and toss his green pancakes when we were first married. Don't ask me why they are wearing their scarves. It was not cold in our house. They play with them constantly and I end up having to hide them sometimes. Son enjoyed the breakfast and gobbled it all up. You all know what she is saying, "I am not eating that." Well, she had her sausage, toast, and a couple bites of green eggs. She was not a fan.

Resident Photographer

  Her brother took this shot of his sister when my back was turned. I think we have the whole episode of Spongebob on the camera.  I think this picture happened yesterday, what do you think? We like to call this picture, "Clutter on the Counter all the time"

Vitamin L and the Flintstones

This evening for family home evening, we talked about the love Jesus shows for us and how we need to be kind like him. We read a story from the Friend called Vitamin L . We talked about how we can be kinder to each other and be like Jesus. So I had Daddy pick up some vitamins for my lesson tonight. After I read the story, I told my kids that every morning, they will get their dose of Vitamin L. Each of the kids ate a vitamin tonight. We had our closing prayer.  As I was getting my son's shower ready, he gave me a huge hug and  told me that he would be nicer to his sister. He continued to tell me that the vitamins are working and they are controlling him to choose the right. My daughter did not quite understand but contined to look through the Friend. Tomorrow morning at breakfast, we will discuss it again. What a nice way to end the day!


I don't have any pictures to post unless a picture of my bum counts....taken by resident son. I have to blog about my son and his gains. Before school, he never showed any interest in learning and forcing it didnt help either. So..This whole school thing has been a lovely ride so far. He actually loves school even though he has struggled to learn his sounds and letters. I think he likes it because he gets to hang out in my room before and after school with his K buddy. He is improving so much. He does not have to go Title. His report card was fabulous. However, next year, he will be in for a real treat when he has to go every day all day for the rest of his childhood. So last week we read a book together. I can't even remember the book's name..I had him sound out all the words and he blended a word ALL by himself...his first word..Sam. Yay for him! Keep it up.

RanDoM PoSt--With God, all things are possible...

Random post here! The reason for my randomness is the post below. That cake was hideous and I am not proud of it but I still need to keep it there for my journal. I don't want that to be the first thing seen on my blog. Anyways, I went to my friend's (who I visit teach and just adore) little baby celebration thing last week and it was kind of like a movie night with the movie above. First of all, I couldn't stay too long because I did not want my husband to think that I abandoned him because it was his birthday so I stayed for a couple of hours and left. They put this movie on. As it started, it brought in the problems that the coach was facing. Of course, the main one..a losing season and things falling apart/other problems. One of the problems was how the wife was unable to get pregnant. I thought to myself, "Great, another movie to remind me that "I" can't get pregnant. Can I just leave now, really..come on." I know that I have adopted two great...

the mud hut

Behold...the mud hut cake wreck! (I am little embarrassed to show this cake). So my husband said he wanted a chocolate cupcake cake with a strawberry or raspberry filling. I said, "Cool, I love chocolate. I mean who doesn't besides my son." Well, I made a triple chocolate fudge cake with the strawberry jam filling. Then I messed up and got a chocolate chip frosting that made the cake look horrible. It was so hard to spread on because it was not the "whipped" kind. Chunks of the cake were coming off. I gave up..I didn't even clean the mess that I made on the cake plate. So now the cake does not look like a cute cupcake cake as my daughter's did. It looked like some beach hut or pile of crap..You know you were thinking it, Eric. So we ate the cake. It was a delicious overkill of chocolate..Yum! yes, he blew out some candles for fun. Dinner was yumarama. We had orange chicken (used the Orange sauce from Panda Express) and rice!

Birthday Bowler

On Friday night, we opted for bowling for my husband's birthday. We had a great time. We haven't bowled since 1997 so it has been a long time. It was great to let off some steam. The kids are getting older and we can do fun things with them. So anyways, we went right after school. Such a nice way to end the week.  See that contraption behind my boy. He did NOT use that only my daughter did. She loved it. She got a kick out of seeing the bowl going down the lane knocking pins down. It was nice to see her involved in a game. Husband took a bowling class back in college. Me...I just bowl the gutters. I however did not get last place, my daughter did. My son would run and then throw the ball down the center. He even got a strike. It amazed me...and my husband. We had the bumper option for the kids but my son never used them. Needless to say, he beat all of us including husband. Sorry the pics are icky...cell phone..